- Keyan Chen, 北京航空航天大学“沈元奖章” (Shen Yuan Medal for Ph.D. of Beihang University)
- Chenyang Liu, 获得第二届国家自然科学基金青年学生基础研究项目(博士研究生)资助 (Funded by NSFC on Youth Basic Research Project)
- Keyan Chen, 获得首批国家自然科学基金青年学生基础研究项目(博士研究生)资助 (Funded by NSFC on Youth Basic Research Project)
- Yu Zhang, 硕士国家奖学金 (the National Scholarship of Master)
- Liqin Liu, 中国宇航学会高水平博士学位论文激励计划(优博论文) (the Excellent Doctoral Dissertation Incentive Program of the China Astronautical Society)
- Keyan Chen, 北航优秀研究生 (the Excellent Graduate Student of Beihang University)
- Keyan Chen, 宝钢奖学金特等奖(全国仅10名研究生获得) (the Baosteel Scholarship, the first prize, only 10 graduate students in China)
- Chenyang Liu, 博士国家奖学金 (the National Scholarship of Ph.D.)